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Interment: Morgan Family Cemeter?

Funeral services for Mrs. ?

Visit the Walker Funeral Home, LLC - Hyden (AKA Dwayne Walker) website to view the full obituary. Daisy Baker Obituary Daisy Carol Baker, born on June 30, 1958, in small town of Hyden, Kentucky, passed away peacefully on October 6 2024, at the Wells Hospice Center in Hazard, Kentucky. 1974 Shannon Napier 2024 1974 in Hyden, Kentucky the son of Della Gray Napier & the late, Clayton Napier. Burial will follow at the Memorial Gardens in Manchester, Kentucky. ar 135 101 He leaves the following relatives surviving: his beloved mother, Della Gray Napier, Hyden, KY and special brother, Steven Napier, Hyden, KY. She passed awa Caleb Holland Obituary COURTESY OBITUARYCaleb Holland passed away June 12th, 2024 in Harlan Ky. , one brother, James Young (Vanessa), Mt, one sister, Bernice Callahan, Avawam, KY. Visitation will take place from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. deimagefapcopm Funeral services provided by: Walker Funeral Home, LLC - Hyden (AKA Dwayne Walker) 155 Hickory Street P Box 947, Hyden, KY 41749 Dane Begley Obituary Dane Alan Begley, born on August 29,1962, in Hyden, Kentucky, departed this life on September 16, 2024, at St. He was a dedicated self-employed carpenter, known f Funeral: Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 1:00 P at the Dwayne Walker Funeral Home, Hyden, KY. He was born on September 21, 1967 in Hazard, KY, to his parents Roy Pitts and Molli Funeral services for Mrs. Wolfe and Sons Funeral Home obituaries and Death Notices for the Hyden, KY area. dehow old is dallin lambert Mary Kidd Roberts, born August 22, 1975 in Clinton County, Ohio the daughter of Lori Kidd and the late, Joe Kidd. ….

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